Campus LifeCulture

Do You Run From Responsibility?

Do you run from responsibility? Or do you embrace it?

It’s a fair question — especially given the season of life that you’re in.

Not long ago (until sometime during the 1960s or 70s) graduation from college signaled a transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Young people back then received their diploma, got a job, got married, and started to have a family — only going to college if the work they desired to commit to required more education.

College was not a given or a cultural expectation — like it is today.

And young people were more eager to step into “adult” roles and responsibilities.

But that’s not necessarily true for most young people today — is it?

In fact, studies show that more and more young people are taking longer and longer to “grow up” and take on new levels of responsibility. Is that you?

The college years are a unique season of life that, in many ways, set the stage for  you to slowly — but intentionally — step into increasing levels of responsibility. As you are trained and equipped academically to go out into the world and make a difference, there are just as many ways you can be growing and maturing during your college years — in the ways you think, believe, and live — such that you’ll be much more ready to go out into the world (and make a difference) than the majority of your peers.

It’s true.

While you’ll all receive (generally speaking) the same education — the same diploma signifying your completion of a degree — you’ll likely be in very different places as it relates to general maturity and readiness to go out in the world (and take on adult-type responsibilities).

Much of today’s culture says, “Don’t grow up, fight this transition, live free and avoid responsibility.” It paints the picture of the best life ever as one without obligation or responsibility to anyone or anything — essentially getting to be and act like a kid as an adult.

But who wants to hire that girl?

Who wants to marry that guy?

We don’t get the luxury of being able to blink our eyes and magically be mature and responsible — ready for life as an adult.

It’s a process.

And it’s one that is supposed to start in college — if it hasn’t already.

So my question to you is: What’s one thing you can do today (or this term) to take on a new level of responsibility?

Maybe it’s something as simple as learning how to do your own laundry — and doing it.

Or learning how to have hard conversations with a roommate, friend, professor, or employer.

Maybe it’s starting to pay for some of your own bills — phone, gas, books, spending money. Even if it requires getting a part-time job.

Or maybe it’s something else for you.

There are plenty of opportunities for taking on new levels of responsibility during your formative college years — you just need to be willing to identify one and take it on.


One thought on “Do You Run From Responsibility?

  1. Totally digging this post, Guy! Especially love this quote:

    Much of today’s culture says, “Don’t grow up, fight this transition,
    live free and avoid responsibility.” It paints the picture of the best life ever as one without obligation or responsibility to anyone or anything — essentially getting to be and act like a kid as an adult.

    But who wants to hire that girl?

    Who wants to marry that guy?

    Will be sharing these thoughts and questions with my friends at

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