Campus LifeChrist

Keep Calm and Remember This One Thing As You Head Into Final Exams…


You are more than a grade.

You are more than your GPA.

Your grades don’t define you, God does.

Does He want you to do your very best? Yes.

Does He want you to be a good steward of your college experience and every opportunity you’re given to be trained and equipped for good work? Yes.

Does He want you to be so driven to succeed that you overly burden yourself with unnecessary anxiety, pressure, and stress? No.

Does He want you to be so obsessed with making an “A” that you’ll sacrifice your integrity and honor for a chance to cut corners or even cheat? Again, no.

As you head into your season of final exams and projects, keep calm and do your very best.

Remember that the One True God loves you — just as you are. He offers you peace in this pressure-filled season of finals and a reason to hope (and believe) that as challenging as this season might be, you will make it through. You’ll be OK.

It’s amazing what God can do in the midst of our chaos and struggle — when we invite Him to do so.

Oh, and while He is a God that still performs miracles, I wouldn’t forgo your diligent studying with the hope that He might miraculously in dwell in you all of the answers you’ll need for that killer final exam.

Just sayin’. 😉